The beauty and elegance of an ancient royal lifestyle
The beauty and elegance
of an ancient royal lifestyle.
Captured on the finest hand painted ensembles.
Shop by Collection

From past to future.
Akutee garments are painstakingly hand embroidered or painted by skilled artisans trained under the guidance of Urmilla Ghatge. They are lavished with incredible attention to detail and a passion for mindfully keeping traditional Indian arts alive.

From ours to yours.
We invite you to listen to the stories passed on to us, and to see the world as we do. To hear our version of beauty and femininity. To take a nostalgic trip to simpler times and to connect with the elegance, grace, and poise within you.

From royalty to retail.
There is an intricate process that goes into making every Akutee garment a coveted purchase. The hand-painted motifs and delicate embroideries from Sagarika’s mother’s archives are a nod to the stylish simplicity of the royal women of the Ghatge family she’s grown up admiring.
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